My life in your hands
Help ensure patient safety
Behind every operation is a team that works closely together. Mingtai stands ready to assist you with our experience, competence and patient focus. You can be confident that we can maintain your medical equipment.
Our expert technicians make sure your equipment keeps delivering exceptional care for your patients.
Our technical service support ensures equipment uptime and your departments running smoothly.
Cost control
Our efficient service plan options save you unexpected costs and help you stay within budget.
Proactive maintenance and cost control
As equipment manufacturers, we know our products better than anyone. With a maintenance plan, Mingtai keeps everything in order. This approach not only ensures the uptime of the equipment, but also predicts the cost of the equipment throughout its life cycle, thereby reducing management time and optimizing cost control.
Tailored service plan to your needs
Mingtai service plan consists of various components. We always design from the perspective of how to help your hospital succeed. Whether you have a full hospital department or you have limited in-house staff, we have a service plan that fits your needs.