
Warmly congratulate Nankai University-Mingtai Group cooperation agreement signing


On May 25, 2024 (Saturday), the signing ceremony of Nankai University & Mingtai Group cooperation agreement and the unveiling ceremony of Intelligent Health Innovation Laboratory was held.

Mingtai is well aware of the increasing demand for all kinds of technicians by enterprises in the context of a constantly developing society. This cooperation program between Nankai University and Mingtai Group can be said to have built a good platform for Mingtai in science and technology innovation. Mutual cooperation among industries, schools, research institutions, etc. is the synergy and integration of different social divisions of scientific research, education and production in terms of functions and resource advantages, and the docking and coupling of upstream, midstream and downstream of technological innovation.

As an enterprise with rich experience in the field of medical equipment manufacturing, Mingtai Group has advanced R&D technology and production capacity, while Nankai University, as a comprehensive, research-oriented university, has strong scientific research strength and talent advantages.

Through this activity, on the one hand, Nankai University can provide the latest scientific research results and technical support to help Mingtai Group make breakthroughs in product development and technological innovation; on the other hand, Mingtai Group can provide a practical platform and financial support for Nankai University’s scientific research, and promote the transformation and application of scientific research results.

Through this mode of cooperation between industry, academia and research, Mingtai Group and Nankai University can realize resource sharing and complement each other’s advantages, and promote technological innovation and industrial upgrading in the field of medical biotechnology. At the same time, this kind of cooperation will also help to cultivate more talents with innovative spirit and practical ability, and make greater contributions to China’s medical career.


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